
Showing posts from August, 2022

Summer of Blood

The Soviets ignoring their doctrine of reinforcing success choose instead to send almost all their reinforcements to the vulnerable Ukraine including the new Koniev armoured HQ. To Hitler's horror then Allies win initiative meaning the Soviets will get to attack their vulnerable forces holding Dnepetrovsk! They can also strike first in Poland with their very strong Guard Banner Armies. Hitler in desperation brings an old groun attack aircraft out of reserve to help out. Stalin seeing a lack of fighters brings an I16 out of reserve to reinforce the Polish front from Minsk. The Commonwealth and Free French chose a Naval impulse and protected convoys in Europe, N and C Amrerica. Older battleships  and cruisers sailed into the East Med from Aden but failed to find any convoys. The Soviets launched a massive attack on PanzerArmee1 panzer and mechanised corps. In the  air battle about the Soviet interceptors got shot down but the Soviet ground attack got through and disorgansied the...

Summer of Wrath

The Soviets places many ground and plane units around Kiev, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk. Hitler is unconcerned as he as 2 PanzerArmees, 3 HQs plus Rumanian and Hungarian support including air units.  The Allies win iniative but the Axis use their +1 to re roll and on the reroll gain the crucial first go in this Summer of 41. Hitler has refrained from using his Offensive points even when a PanzerArmee was cut off but he's ready to spend freely now. Hitler uses a no-cost combined and sends his naval aircraft and subs far and wide and his auxiliary cruiser into the Indian Ocean. They send a Russian convoy back to port and damage a light cruiser aend British and convoy back to port. In a stroke of bad luck the auxiliary cruiser Kormorant gets found by a Royal Navy cruiser Enterprise despite these auxiliary cruisers being hard to find. It is gunned by the cruiser glub glub glub. The cruiser gets aborted back to port. In the Ukraine the outer ring of two Soviet armies are destroyed for t...

Der Rommel kommt

 The title is a refernece to a book about Stlaingrad's chapter title about Manstein coming (and failing) to save the encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad. This time its PanzerArmee 3 encircled near Kiev in the snow. Again Rumanian forces on the flanks were pushed back to form the cauldron. Unlike then the encircled Germans are not surrounded by strong Soviet forces in contact that can destroy them. Can Rommel outdo Manstein and reach and save PanzerArmee 3.  Things get off to a good start with the Axis winning Initiative and then the Weather is Fine everywhere except Arctic. Fine Panzer blitzing weather! This is the situation at the start of the Turn. Rommel and his forces are in the West trying to break through to save the Germans surrnounded in the centre North. The Soviet garrison division was crushed by the German infantry. And then relative disaster for Rommel. A low roll meant that although the Soviet infantry army was destroyed the cost was that all the attacking units were...