Total War Part 2

The second part of July August 42 will be discussed here. The weather is fine most places but stormy in the N Monsoon zone. The Commonwealth chooses a Land impulse. They move armour units to attack the Germany infantrry unit guarding the southern end of the Seine line whilst other units rearrange themselves facing the Axis. Mosquitos ground strike the infantry unit and Bf109s and Spitfires abort each other allowing the Mossies to disorganise the German infantry. The US choooses a no-cost combined. Transports unfliped by MacArthur last Impulse move the LA militia, an airborne corps and AA and motorised artillery division across the Atlantic towards France. They then move across France towards the Seine. The Montgomery HQ, American motorised infantry corps and two armoured corps attacked the disorganised German infantry corps. Stukas support the German infantry but Monty rolls poorly. The German infantry is still destroyed and the armoured corps occupy its previous location but all ...