The Final Curtain refuses to fall for Hitler.

Italy places mechanised corps in Naples and Rome and a weak infantry corps in Milan. A good flak battery also gets placed in Rome and an antique battleship is repaired in Taranto. The Commonwealth deploys a variety of land, sea and air units including a battleship, an escort anti submarine aircraft carrier, a Croatian mechanised corps in Zagreb and a fighter in Sydney and 10 Offensive Points. Hitler puts new fighters in Berlin, Vienna and Stettin. Land units are placed near Stettin and in or around Vienna. Times are desperate so Hitler deploys two obsolete biplane fighters and one poor quality medium bomber around Vienna and Czechoslovakia. France mobilises all its militia and deploys two engineers to help with Germany and Italy. The Japanese place a mechanised division, a sub and 5 Offensive points. The USSR gains 20 Offensive points. Newly produced fighters and bombers are placed in the Reserve pool. In a later Turn they can be placed in any Soviet city such as Siberia to surpri...