The Last Year Begins

Surely the last year of the war now with Germany in mortal danger and then Italy and Japan at risk of being swamped by the Allies. The Chinese Communists place a weak garrison division in Lanchow and a weak infantry army to the southwest of it. The Commonwealth gets 15 Offensive points, two repaired Tanker points, a supply unit and a cruiser and New Zealand deploys a motorised infantry corps. Japan gets 5 Offensive points and the Soviet ambassador notes the 3 armoured/ mechanised corps, an armour HQ and an anti-aircraft division with anti-tank capability are fielded this Turn. If they get to Korea before the Soviets can declare war it might prevent the Soviets declaring war as they need to have double the value of armed forces combined with Offensive markers as the Japanese. Weak Indo-Chinese Territorials are raised in Saigon. Italy places a good fighter unit in Rome. Germany places excellent fighters - one apiece in Berlin and Vienna. An excellent garrison corps forms up so...