Strategic Earthquake

The strategic earthquake was the rapid fall of France to the blitzkrieg in 1940. Will there be a similar strategic earthquake this Turn? Read on... The first big Summer of the war and a long Turn is likely after the prematurely short Turn of March/ April. The Germans have u-boats, stukas and pamzers. The UK/ Commonwealth (CW) has 4 engined heavy bombers to bomb the hell out of the Axis. The first of them rolls out of the factores- the Stirling. There's also a long range flying boat Sunderland which will be sent to Canada to patrol the North Atlantic. The pilots of the Whitley medium bomber switch to a Wellington which has ground attack and slightly longer range. The Germans meanwhile are producing two u-boats to continue the u-boat offensive. Guderian Panzer HQ and armoured and mechanised corps were placed in central Germany to go either west to France or east if Stalin attacks Germany's back door. Italy produces a Parachute division and 10 offensive points. The weather is F...