Tora ! Tora! Tora! Pearl Harbour is attacked and America enters the war

I discovered i made a large mistake. US entry and tension values (which alows the US to take actions to help the Alies whilst Neutral then decalre war on the Axis) are supposed to be efectively double what I calculated them as. So the US has beeen far less active then it should have been and its war production has been far less). To compensate I allowed the 3 half built factories to be completed and active (equivalent to 12 build points in total and 2 Turns saved). I also alllowed the US to choose 3 Entry actions - they chose Pass War Appropriations Bill (increased production), Military Manouevres (so can call any type of Impulse not just no-cost Combined) and Occuppy Northern Ireland (so can base units there. get to use the factory and Belfast becomes a supply base for them). They also can declare war on Japan after this Turn or Germany/ Italy this Turn. (I want to see a Japanese sneak attack on the US but it will have to happen this Turn and ideally they wanted to do it the Turn...