The creation of Vichy

 In this end of Turn phase as Vichy hasn't been crreated yet there is only Entry chit to be drawn and one is chosen for Japan. No US Entry option is available to be chosen. 

Vichy France was declared after Germany decided to seek a temporary peace in the West to deal with Soviet aggression.  The US took a dim view and two Entry chits were drawn.

The important rolls to decide whether parts of the French Empire stayed loyal to Vichy France or defected to Free France were made. They went largely according to probability - North Africa and IndoChina for example stayed Vichy and French Equatorial Africa defected to De Gaulle. The two major surprises were Madagascar went Free France (causing Japanese curses as they can acquire this very handy Indian Ocean base from Vichy France) and the Pacific possessions went Vichy. Japan will likely acquire IndoChina from Vichy and outflank China from the South. The French Fleet of non capital ships and a Transport in Equatorial Africa and the naval unit in Madagascar belong to the Free French whilst Vichy keeps the aircraft carrier, light carrier and two battleships. Then came the complicated steps of reducing the size of the French armed forces with Vichy choosing to keep mostly motorised/ mechanised troops (where they will get the oil to move them i another issue and wull rely on German largesse), a couple of modern single engined fighter units and a medium bomber. The Indochinese troops are gone  - they would go when Japan takes over in any case - along with the infantry in French Somaliland and some Algerian militia. 

So a year of war has ended and although France has fallen the Soviet Union has attacked Germany before it was ready. It looks like a stalemate though rather than a fatal dagger to the heart of Germany.


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