Lancasters, mosquitos and Montgomery - Commonwealth (and others) toys galore

 In the Production phase Germany has lost 3 resources from Sweden due to the mines blockading their route along the Norwegian coast. They also have to pay 3 build points to the minor Axis countries (on top of any build costs for their units) and 1 build points to convert rail lines and 1 build point for attrition on fighting such a big campaign (the Soviets will also get this cost). Italy is crying out for help after the Royal Navy shaved Mussolini's scalp by sailing up and down the Italian coast. 

The Commonwealth after paying for units in production that need build points put a Lancaster, a Mosquito, Montgomery HQ (but taking 5 turns not 4), a pilot and the Long Range Desert Group (the forerunners of the SAS) amongst other units into production. The first anti sub warfare ship available has also been been begun to be built. Some excellent long range naval craft can wait till next Turn.

 Germany decides to give Vichy oil and one extra oil to Italy and pressurises Vichy to give a resource (not in the rules but i will make it so). It keeps 3 oil to add to its reserves. So it has 21 build points - 3 go to Axis minors, 2 to rebuild a factory and 2 to convert Soviet railways to Western rail gauge and for attrition of combat. This leaves 14 build points. 5 go to ongoing units being produced leaving 9. Germany chooses to finish off a sub and start building the first stage of a very long range sub and Manstein HQ at a slighlty slower rate than usual taking 5 turns.

Italy has only 3 resources being cut off from Cyprus and Sardinia. It uses the 2 oil and resource given to it from Germany to have 6 build points. It builds the ZF511 - in reality a single plane whose prototopye got shot up by the RAF - an excellent long range naval aircraft but will have to pay the full price - no discount for pilot - and take 6 turns as its a pure fantasy build. Apart from this and ongoing production it also starts a fighter.

I'm giving the Soviets a slighlty higher production modifier of 2/3rd not the the offocial 0.5 as they are at war and will be mobilising effectively as they did in real life. Due to reduced production from moving factories the Soviets store 6 unused oil and have 17 build points plus 4 bonus build points from the remains of armies and cavalry destroyed on home soil giving 21 total points.. The Soviets  have stored many offensive points already (an upcoming surprise for Hitler) so start building the Koniev HQ and the famous Il2 Shturmovik and another iconic Soviet unit the Katyusha rocket launcher division amongst other units.  Vichy can build nothing. Hungary and Rumania use their build points to almost complete a fighter unit and a motorised infantry corps respectively. The Japanese amongst various units started building frogmen in minisubs and Jitenshan (bicycle mounted) infantry division and the marine paratrooper division. The US with restricted war production started building the P38 lightning.The Chinese used their build points to finish units in production. 

Germany is in trouble. Its being outproduced by the Soviets to the East and Commonwealth to the West when their production is combined. It needs Japan in the war. Urgent messages are sent via sub to Tokyo.



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